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Steven Arnett

美商艾林顧問公司創辦人及首席顧問,曾任ECCMA協會董事十餘年,為ISO 8000標準推手及MDQM專業講師。前北約組織後勤採購局(NSPA)料號編碼處處長,前國防後勤總署(DLA)料號編碼局(NCB)局長,具備四十年料號編碼實務管理經驗。他長達二十多年擔任美國政府於北約組織AC/135料號發展會議的代表,自2004年至2013年擔任亞太地區料號編碼研討會秘書長,致力於亞太國家料號體系之發展及該地區與北約料號體系之合作。

Over 40 years of experience in codification,he was a director of ECCMA, one of the ISO 8000 facilitators and gurus. A graduate of Michigan State University and the University of Maine, he formally served as chief of the U.S. National Codification Bureau and as the chief of Codification Support at the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA).  During his career, he represented both NSPA and the United States at meetings of NATO Allied Committee 135 (AC/135).  AC/135 manages the NATO Codification System.

Delphine Lin

精通中、英、法文,曾任台灣Contel公司資深產品經理,負責後勤及可靠度系統安全專業軟體產品行銷企劃、專案管理、教育訓練及產品支援工作,具備約二十年的料號編碼及零件資料管理實務經驗,也是台灣少數曾跟國際整體後勤大師James V. Jones研習的後勤管理專業人士。現任Contel公司及美商艾林公司顧問。

Nearly 20 years of experience in codification and parts management solution, she is one of the few ILS professionals from Taiwan. With fluency in Chinese, English and French, she can provide international customer service, translation and consulting services in cataloging, data management and technical documentation. She is co-owner of the company and an ISO 8000 MDQM certified consultant.

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