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Delphine Lin
來自中華民國台灣,精通中、英、法文,具備二十多年北約/美軍料號物料編碼及零件資料管理實務經驗,取得ILS/LSA後勤支援分析專業課程、ECCMA ISO 8000 MDQM主資料品質管理師、IPMP專案管理師等國際認證,現兼任CONTEL資訊科技公司(台灣)專案顧問、中英法文翻譯及 美商艾林公司資深顧問。
Over 20 years of experience in NATO codification and parts management solution, with fluency in Chinese, English and French, she can provide international customer service, translation and consulting services in cataloging, data management and technical documentation. She is one of the few ILS professionals in Taiwan who learnt from James V. Jones. She is co-owner of the company and an ISO 8000 MDQM certified consultant.
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